
Kelly was attempting to make an apology as Thad reappeared, face looking like a glazed donut, with a huge smile. “That was awesome!”Kelly’s response was, “I need your cock!” She slid off the counter just as the restroom door opened. It was another couple, also in their thirties. She was carrying her shoes. Kelly saw he had a tent in his trousers. Thad and Kelly both recognized them from the dancefloor. They did a sudden stop and the girl started to apologize.Thad said, “We’re all here for the. Veronica Lodge would never come in second to anyone — especially Betty Cooper. Reggie had nothing to do with it.Which was fine with him."Girl, you are the shit," he murmured, combing his fingers through her shining black hair. "You are the fucking shit!"The more he built her up, the more eagerly she performed. Her head bobbed and jerked, tensing him to a seminal blast, and for the coup de grace, she deep-throated him. The ring of muscle, or gristle, or whatever the fuck it was, relaxed, drawing. "I'm thinking a Harley Davidson set of wings as a tramp stamp," I said.He turned to Jeff and Phil. "You guys said I would be painting on a nude. The tramp stamp isn't on a nude," he said."If that is the only problem hon, I will get nude for you. Now lets do it," I said slipping out of my shorts and panties. I pulled off the knit top as well. Then I laid down on my DIY sofa bed.Marty went happily to work. I thought it might take him too long, but he really wanted the photos more than to look at. One of these days, either Mom was going to figure it out, or, if I was a halfway decent person, I'd tell her myself. And that would not be a good day. But I was having a threesome slash foursome with my mother, the supremely voluptuous raven-haired fertility goddess, and my favorite aunt, the seemingly all knowing, wise-cracking, busty blonde beauty. There was some shame about being less than straightforward with Mom, yes. But there was absolutely no chance that I was going to lose my erection..
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